You ever notice how commercials take absolutely fucking forever? The other day my wife was standing next to the tv, waiting for the commercials to end so we could see what was on a channel. (Our remote doesn't work.) When she turned to this particular channel, there were already commercials playing. FOURTEEN commercials later, we decided to turn the channel and come back later. I mean, damn. 14 commercials. And they KEPT GOING!! This particular little rant is actually inspired by a conversation I had with my mother today.
A large amount of commercials start out with a couple and their dog, just chilling. They look kinda like this:

Ok, maybe not so much.
It's actually...
Not just sex itself, though! What you should use to do it! How you should do it! How you can make it better! How you can fix what isn't working anymore! And don't forget the diseases you can get, and how to fix them!
Aaaaand we've reached my point. Have you ever seen these commercials for STD medications? I don't mind them so much, honestly. I know STDs exist. I know medication is available for people who have them. What really gets me is when I look at the bottom of the screen and occasionally I see this:
Not an actor. Not compensated for this appearance in any way.
So let me get this straight. You had sex. Probably unprotected. You contracted an incurable sexually transmitted disease. Someone said. "Hey, we're making a commercial about Herpes medicine. You don't get paid, and everyone will get to know you have Herpes. Sound good?"
You aren't even getting free medication! All you are getting is neighbors who give you a FIVE FOOT BERTH in the local grocery store because THEY KNOW WHAT YOU DID YOU NASTY SLUT. *evil eye*
(Note to angry people: I do not believe that everyone who has an STD is a nasty slut. I actually know many amazing people who have and have had STDs. I am well aware that STDs don't transfer by walking within five feet of people. However, look yourself in the mirror and honestly say "People wouldn't act like that if I announced to them all that I had Herpes." You can't, because people are uninformed and stupid.)
Most people are rude and ignorant. If you think that most people are not rude and ignorant, you are probably one of "most people." The woman down the street who waves at you while you jog by is probably hoping you fall on your face, just so she can feel better about her laziness when it comes to exercise. Putting yourself in a commercial where you announce to the world that you have a disease gotten through unprotected sex, but you "rarely have outbreaks thanks to *medicine*" is practically asking Snoopy Fucking Sally to tell everyone you're a slut who had kinky sex in a back alley while snorting heroin off a camel's ball sack. Is that fair? Fuck no, it's not fair. Will it happen anyway? Probably.
I don't know about you, but if I had Herpes, the last thing I would want is to also be ostracized from my community because I wanted my face on tv.
Sometimes, I think people WANT to be infamous, regardless of the consequences.
Take this guy, for example. He can't get it up, and he wants everyone to know it!
This is a stock photo. I don't know if this guy is limp or what.
I mean, come on. You don't even see below his chest.
Gimme a break. Damn.
He looks happy enough, right? He's on "Vioga." Copyright? Wha? At least that's what the commercial tells us. That's cool, though. He's probably an actor.
Not an actor. Not compensated for this appearance in any way.
Are you... Are you fucking KIDDING me?! This guy here, not this guy, he wants everyone to know that his dick doesn't stand up on it's own anymore. And, he wants you to know for FREE! He wants to yell to the entire world that he has enough money, power, and happiness, and all that's left is for you to know that he doesn't NEED a working penis, and he doesn't NEED your money!
All he wants is for you to see his face and think... penis.
When he goes to the post office, do you think the lovely lady carrier smiles because she's friendly? Or are there more... devious reasons? I wonder who sees him at the supermarket and goes, "Hey, aren't you the lame dick guy?"
I wonder if his neighbor is still jealous of his fancy car and nice house... Or is he busy attempting to seduce the Missus, with cries of "I never use generic! It's all real and natural!"
Really people. Stop telling me about your sex life. I don't think we want to be able to say "Oh, yeah, the Vioga guy? The one who isn't an actor? Yeah, I went to high school with him. And the Herpes chick? Yeah, I hung out with her once in college. Looks like I dodged a bullet, huh? Hahaha!"
Fuck you people. Stop it. Stop telling me about your limp dick. Stop telling me about your bumpy crotch. That's what actors are for, dammit.
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