Saturday, July 16, 2011

Shall we get acquainted?


Nice to meet you... I think. My name is Jessi, and I am a 25 year old college student stuck in lovely Southern Illinois. I'm a bit on the crazy side, but that's ok. I like it that way, because when no one wants to talk to me, at least I can talk to myself, right?

I'm a happily married lady, who is married to another lady named Mandy. Don't like that? Don't read my blog. :) Together, we live in a crappy apartment (moving to a better one next month, YAY!) with our cat Mooky and our Shih-Poo puppy Sebi. Sebi just got here a few weeks ago, so the babies are still getting used to each other.


There is a reason behind the title of this blog. It is something that I hear everyday, sometimes multiple times a day. "Oh my gosh, what happened? Everything happens to you!" or "WOW, that's so crazy, I mean, EVERYTHING happens to you!" and my personal fave, "I don't know how you do it. Everything happens to you! How do you deal?"

Usually when that last one is asked, my face is red, I have dark circles around my eyes, and I'm sitting outside chain-smoking while drowning myself in double shots of espresso mixed in with a Frappucino, and trying not to hyperventilate. So basically, I have no clue.

I do my best to get through everything the world throws at me, and you can expect to see plenty of happy, sad, and deranged rants from me. I'm even going to make hideous paint images to go along with them, because it makes me feel better, dammit.

Welcome to my life.

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