Saturday, July 16, 2011

The animals that make you crazy.


Nice to see you again so soon, or it's been so long, or nice to meet you- whichever applies.

So in my introduction, I mentioned that I have a cat named Mooky and a puppy named Sebi. Those are actually their nicknames. Mooky is short for Miyuki. It translates to "beautiful snow" in Japanese (among other translations,) and it fits her, for the most part. She's almost all black, except for her paws, chin, and a line down the middle of her tummy. Basically she looks like a black kitty who walked through snow.

Sebi is short for Sebastian. I don't know why. He was named "Puppy" for a while. We took him to the vet when we first got him, because he got super-sick, and all the Vet Techs kept looking at me funny because he didn't have a name. I had him for two days, people, gimme a break.

We got Miyuki on accident. She was trying to get food out of the dumpster next to our apartment complex when we first spotted her. She was so little and skinny and scared. I had Mandy (my wife) watch her while I ran inside to get a carrier and some noms to attract her. I found some pepperoni in the fridge, and put a piece down as close as I could get to her. She could smell it, and I could just see in her cute little eyes how hungry she was. Eventually she started coming closer, and letting me pet her, and then (I know this terrified the hell out of her too) I grabbed her, shoved her in the carrier, and took her inside. She warmed up to us within the first few days, and now she is a well cared for, fat, and happy cat.

Before you go all righteous on me, I constantly asked around, watched for missing pet ads, and checked Craigslist to make sure she didn't belong to anyone. I even had the vet scan her for a chip when I took her in, even after they told me that her condition made it likely she was abandoned.

Sebi's story is a little different; in fact, I don't know much about his life before he came here. He is a Shih-Poo, "pure-bred," even though that isn't technically a recognized breed. I don't care about that, though. Every pet I've ever had has been a rescue, and every dog a mutt. I love them all. Sebi's the first dog I've ever had where I am even sure of the breed!

I got Sebi after my mom did. His original owners were moving, and the man of the house (an ass) told his wife that if they didn't find people to take them he would either dump them or kill them. So my mom took Sebi, the runt, and we offered to take the last one they had, a little girl. Mandy had never had a puppy before, so she was pretty excited. Then we got the bad news: the man had given the girl away while the woman was out trying to find her a home. No puppy for us. :(

About a week later, my mom called. A short back-story: my little brother Matty had Duchennes Muscular Dystrophy, and at 22 years old, he is in an electric wheelchair and uses a breathing machine. He also is slightly mentally disabled as well. My mom called to ask us if we wanted Sebi. It turned out that he was so little my brother couldn't see him when he was in his chair, and was terrified he would actually run the little guy over! It was so bad that he refused to even get out of bed because he didn't want to hurt the puppy. He told my mom "Call Jessi, and ask her and Mandy to take the puppy." She put him on the phone so I could make sure he REALLY wanted us to take Sebi, and he ignored me and said to Mom, "Can I have a bird? They don't walk on the floor."

Now we've had Mooky for over a year, and just got Sebi a few weeks ago, max. And Houston, we have a problem. Besides the fact that Sebi never leaves Mooky alone, we have the issues 1. Mooky teaching Sebastian how to climb out of his pen, 2. Mooky and Sebastian having races across the living room while I'm trying to walk, and the WORST, 3. Sebastian will NOT poo on the puppy pads. He pees on them. He pees ALL OVER them. But he will NOT, will ABSOLUTELY NOT, go poo on them. He poos everywhere else. On the carpet, on my textbooks, on plastic bags, etc. Just not on the paper actually designed to be pooed on.

I can't keep him in his enclosure either, because Mooky taught him to get out in like 7 different ways. Every time I fix one, I come downstairs and he's out again. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND.

This lovely image shows exactly what happens. Oh, and fat Mooky is watching from the background.

Before you say "Take him for a walk, dogs shouldn't poo inside anyway," Yeah, yeah I know. However, he is still getting his shots, and isn't fully protected from illness. I've lost a few dogs to parvo, and I'm not losing Sebi. Plus I currently live in a very unsavory neighborhood, and I wouldn't be surprised if someone tried to steal him from me or rob me personally while walking.

I move in a month. I already have the leash and harness, and the apartments we are moving to have a dog park. But for now OMG STOP POOING ON THE CARPET! I HAVE TO PAY TO CLEAN IT! *sob*

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